Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Going Back to School!

So, it's been on my mind for a while. Actually on and off my mind. But I have made my decision.


My School
I kind of miss that place

I love, love, love my job as a preschool teacher, but it occurred to me, that if my husband and I ever have any hopes of retiring, I need to make a career change. So, I've decided to go back to school and finish my Associate in Arts degree and then get my K-8 teaching license.

Before Big A was born, I was in school and working full time. Knowing my baby was coming in the fall, I decided to take only one class that semester. He was born late in September, so I finished that class and decided to take the next semester off so I could enjoy my new little baby. I had plans on going back in the summer (oh, how I loved summer classes! ...for real!).

Well, that semester off turned in to a five year semester, so here I am, five years years later- two credits away from my AA. Dang it!

Actually, I was looking in to it, and the college I went to changed their requirements since I last went. Back in 2007, they required 68 credits to graduate (I have 66) and now they require only 60. So, it's possible I may be able to get my degree. Woot!

After I get that degree, there's a program that I want to enroll in that will get my my K-8 license. It's going to take me about three years, which will be perfect, because that will put me at finishing right around the time Little A goes to kindergarten. That's perfect, because by then we won't need the daycare benefit that I get now, which is vital. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't be able to work.

So, anyways. I have an appointment with an adviser at my school in about 2 hours. Hopefully, I will get the answers to my questions there and find out where I go next. I'm super nervous and very excited!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If I Had a Million Dollars...

Immediately when someone says "If I had a million dollars..." the intro to the Barenaked Ladies song pops in to my head and the song begins playing- and doesn't stop for a good hour or so. What can I say? That song's a classic. ...After all, it reached number 13 on the Canadian RPM Top Singles chart in 1992. (Thank you Wikipedia)

Anywho. After my brilliant idea to start a blog dried up after two posts, I decided I needed some inspiration, so off I went in search of a random blog topic generator. The heavens opened up and this idea was thrust upon me. Now, if you knew me, you would know that I am a list maker. Not only am I a list maker, I am a list maker of lists I would like to make. In fact, I have a pretty awesome list going on right now here. (Next post idea? I think so.) So I thought I would make a list of things I would do if I had a million dollars.

Buy a house- Fun fact: I am sick of renting. I have a few dream houses in mind with a list of criteria they must meet.

  • Old. The older the better. I'm talking turn of the century here, guys.
  • Three or more bedrooms (for those three or more children I would like to have some day, I'm 2/3 of the way there)
  • A claw foot tub would not hurt.
  • All hard floors. None of that vacuum business for us! With a dog who sheds enough to knit a sweater with and a kitten who I am sure will start to contribute to the sweater soon enough, sweeping is easier. Not to mention those kids. Oh, those kids!
  • I'm thinking creepy old attic. You know, the kind you find tons of old treasures in? I wouldn't mind if it came prefilled with old treasures either.
  • Secret hidey holes! You know those old houses that seem to have secret passages and random little doors scattered all over the place? Yup, I want it!
  • Front porch
  • A turret or two. I love those things!!!
  • Old trees! I'm talking big old oaks and willows that you can hang a swing from or built a tree house in.
  • Space. I'm fine with a moderate sized yard, but my husband over here insists upon acres and acres of land. I suppose, being a millionaire, I  would be able to afford to hire someone to come mow. 
  • I'm sure any of these will do.
  • Pay off my parents' house (or buy them a new one?)
  • Put a bunch away for the kids' savings. i.e. College

  • Pay off our cars. Maybe buy us each a newer one, however, I'm not picky. As long as it gets me where I need to go.
  • At least 10% goes back to where it came from. I would donate it to my church. Right now, they're undertaking a huge expansion project that I would love to be a part of.
  • I'd probably grab a handful of hundreds and start handing them out a Walmart or something just for fun one day. 
  • Take a second honeymoon to somewhere warm. Mexico? Hawaii? Somewhere exotic?
  • When we get back, we would most definitely load the kids up and take them somewhere fun. I'm thinking Disney (if it happened tomorrow), otherwise, I would love to go back to Yellowstone (not as a moody teenager this time) and let my kids experience it (but not as moody teenagers please!)
I'm sure I could keep going, but I have a feeling I may be running out of money here soon. (And I'm getting tired, it's past this momma's bed time)

Fun Fact #2: This blog is really irritating me right now. It's not letting me put these pictures where I want them. Why?! Ugh, I give up.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend Trip to Duluth

Well, it's been a while since we've taken a family vacation, and by "a while", I mean "never". So we thought it was about time that we take a little trip.

Back in December, my cousin announced that she was engaged and asked if the A's and I would be in her wedding. I had never been in a wedding before (except for my own) and was super excited that she had asked us. Big A was the ring bearer (or ring boy as he called it) and Little A was the flower girl. Back in December I asked her, "Are you SURE you want an 18 month old and an almost five year old in your wedding???" She said absolutely! And without hesitation too...

So there we were, eight months later, headed to Duluth for a long weekend. The rehersal was Friday afternoon, so I took the day off and we left early-ish so we could have some time to play and explore before the rehersal. The trip up was relatively uneventful. Which is nice.

We arrived in Duluth around 1:00 in the afternoon and spent some time at a rest stop over looking Duluth and then ventured down to the waterfront. There was a big ship down in the harbor that was converted in to a floating museum, so we took a tour of that. The kids held up pretty well, considering it was an hour long and it was a lot of standing and listening. The guide was funny (and cute) so I enjoyed it.

After the tour, Jose bought Big A a pirate ship model. He was pretty excited to have a "REAL LIVE PIRATE SHIP!" We had just enought time to relax with an ice cream treat afterward before we had to head up the hills again for the reharsal.
Big A in front of the ship with his very own pirate ship.
The rehersal got started late thanks to ridiculous traffic on the freeway headed north. Yay for end-of-summer-gotta-get-north-one-more-time traffic on a Friday afternoon combined with construction. Didn't ya know? There are two seasons in Minnesota. Winter and road construction. Old joke? Yes. Not funny? I know. True? Pretty much! Anywho, the A's did pretty well. They walked up holding hands and walked back off. Precious? Absolutely! I had nothing to worry about! They were pros! Little did I know...But more on that later. Big A's highlight of the rehersal was climbing Enger Tower with his daddy.

Big A and Daddy on top of Enger Tower

Playing at Enger Park before the rehersal
Saturday morning, we spent some time in the pool. I got my hair done up all pretty, which was fun. Then the four of us met my parents at the Duluth Zoo. If you weren't aware, Duluth had a major rain storm about two months ago which was pretty devastating to parts of the city. Roads were completely washed away, as well as sewer systems other utilities. One part of the city that was hit was the zoo. They lost several animals and some of the enclosures were left unsuitable for the animals. There were several animals who are spending some time at other zoos until the place is fixed up again. Big A was pretty concerned about their safety and any impending storms that might suddenly appear and kill us all (he's got some major storm anxiety). Little
A was infatuated with the grizzly bear. She watched him forever and when it was time to move on she kept telling him "Bye bye, bear!" Over and over and over and over and OVER again. Pretty cute stuff if you ask me.

If you're still reading, congratulations. You've accomplished great things. But here's where it get fun.

The kids were lookin' good. Big A was in his dress pants, shirt and tie; and Little A was in her pretty flower girl dress. The music started playing and I, with the rest of the wedding party, walked up the aisle. Pretty soon, Little A wandered up, in the middle of things. She saw me and said "Momma!" and ran to give me a hug. She wanted to stay with me. I pointed out Grandpa and she got so excited to see him (she's a grandpa's girl) so she squealed and said "Boppa!" and ran off to see him.

Mean while, the music kept playing, and on schedule, up came the handsom ring bearer... backwards. Here came Big A carrying his pillow, moon walking up the aisle. Then he walked behind the groomsmen...backwards. Realized he was in the wrong place and walked in front of them... backwards. He handed off the pillow and the best man took the rings, then off he went... backwards! I was half horrified and half in tears from laughter! Then my cousin, the bride came up the the alter and while they stood there waiting for the song to finish, here comes Big A again... you guessed it, folks, BACKWARDS! Everyone was laughing. He moon walked to the little stand that was holding the glass vases with the unity sand. I was so scared that he was going to trip and knock it over. Big A plopped the pillow down on the table and backward walked away. I was going to die! I kept mouthing to my cousin "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" She just laughed. She said she loved the show the A's put on. Someone told me that they alone made it worth the gas money to drive up there. Haha

The next morning, it was time to head home. Big A wanted to see the "up and down bridge", so we drove across it and ended up finding a nice beach at the end of the long point. It was beautiful. The kids played in the (freezing cold!) water of Lake Superior. Big A learned how to skip rocks and Little A perfected her sand throwing skills. Jose convinced Big A to get buried in the sand. He pretended to be The Sandman from Spiderman 2 then. Super funny!
Probably one of my favorite pics from the trip

Big A being The Sandman

We decided to try to aviod any traffic on the freeway for the way back and chose to drive through Wisconsin instead.

Overall, I really enjoyed the trip. It was nice to spend time as a family all together, and I especially enjoyed spending some good quality time with my husband. We don't get that often.

Next trip? A road trip to California next October for his brother's wedding. They're in that one too...