That being said, I've been itching to start a blog for the last year or so. So here I am, trying to figure out what to put out there in cyberspace (do people even use that word anymore? It's been awhile).
Ok, so let's get to know eachother. I guess that's as good a place to start as any. Hi, I'm Rebecca, nice to meet you. I'm 25 and married to my highschool sweetheart, I guess you would call it. We've been together for almost 10 years and are creeping up on our 6th anniversary in a few weeks. And when I say, highschool sweetheart, please don't picture this icky, mushy, lovey stuff. We've been through more than our share of ups and downs and continue to deal with life's rollercoaster everyday. It's hard to go from kids to adults together, especially when life happened so fast. In a year, we bought a house, got married the next month, got pregnant 3 months later and had Big A two weeks after our first anniversary. And we did it all YOUNG, I was 19 when we got married. We grew up FAST.
We have two beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, children. They are amazing. I know, I know. Every mother says that. But, for real, mine are by far the best. Big A is almost 5 and just a little ball of energy and my little shadow. You could say he's "strong-willed" which is a nice was of saying he can be stubborn as heck sometimes and a big pain in the butt. But he's also smart, super funny, sweet and just one of those people who lights up a room with his big brown eyes. (Look at me, getting all teary-eyed here)
Little a is our little girl. She's a year and a half and is the sweetest little thing I have ever met. From day one, she's been my serious one, a watcher and an observer. People always comment that she never smiles, which is way off. She can be silly and goofy and a total show off, but you have to give her some time to get to know you first. Little A is such a little momma too. She's always tucking one of her baby dolls in for a nap. And if she's not taking care of her babies, she's coloring or just snuggling on my lap (or most recently, inventing ways to irritate her brother). I've been told she has an old soul. I guess she's got that wise old owl thing going on. She's content to sit and watch the world before diving in to the action.
I am so blessed to be their mom! (getting weapy again, emotional much?)
Me? Ok, we covered 25, we covered married, we covered awesome kids... what else? Oh, yes. I'm a preschool teacher too. I absolutely love my job! I've been at my current school for a year and I can truely say that every single day, I wake up and don't dread going to work (which is something I can't say about other places I've worked). I like to say I'm crafty. And by crafty, I mean, I like to pin things in Pinterest and have good intentions of completing those projects. I guess it's just a matter of time and $$$, both of which I lack and abundance of. Luckily, I have a job that allows me to be creative. When I wasn't teaching, after Little A was born, I noticed that I had a glue gun in my hand every free moment I could find.
Ok, I feel like I've written the work "I" like a thousand times in this post. Is that annoying? I suppose it's time to wrap it up until I find something of substance to write about.
(46 I think. I counted. Don't judge me)
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